Book Syncing

To support those who use SynchroTales across multiple devices, functionality is provided to synchronize books & audio between devices using WebRTC. This is useful when, for example, one edits documents on a desktop computer, but does most of their reading on a mobile device. Rather than transferring each book & audio file individually and importing them on the recipient device, the sync feature can be used to transfer them conveniently as a batch.

Book syncing is performed in a peer-to-peer manner. Data transferred will not be processed by, transferred to, or stored by any remote server operated by SynchroTales.


To send a library item to another device, select the "Send" action from the library item action menu:


After the selected item is ready to transfer, the following dialog will be shown containing a unique sync code and scannable QR code:


To sync the item to another device, copy or scan this code into the receive dialog. Transfer will only occur while this dialog is open. it may be stopped at any time by pressing "Stop Sync."

Note that anyone who obtains the displayed code may sync the item while this dialog is open


To receive a library item from another device, selecth the "Receive" action from the library action menu:


The following dialog will be shown:


To begin syncing an item, enter the sync code from an open send dialog, or press the camera button to scan the corresponding QR code, then press "confirm."